Happy Valentine's Day! The day that celebrates love is one of the busiest for florists world-wide! It is a day that we all look forward to at Crow River Floral. This year, we have several new vase choices that will be sure to delight your sweetheart, including the Crystal vase and Heartstrings vase, by Teleflora. The time to order early is almost past, so be sure to place your order ASAP to ensure that it will be delivered before the mad rush of orders comes in!
Stun the love of your life with one of our Teleflora or FTD arrangments, or you can order a Florist's choice bouquet, which is always fun and unique! We at Crow River Floral wish you all a Happy (and romantic) Valentine's day, and hope that you will all take the time to celebrate love and appreciate the loved ones in our lives!